The eaves of death for malaria mosquitoes

The eaves of death for malaria mosquitoes

The MCD project, lead by In2Care, is selected as a success story on the website of the EU Horizon 2020 Framework. The news item describes the 3 innovative prototypes developed by the MCD consortium and the progressive village trial set up in Tanzania. The website...

Scientific publication of the In2Care® Mosquito Trap

In2Care’s product innovation for Dengue mosquito control has been published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Parasites and Vectors. The publication came out on the 25th of April 2014 and describes the development process and efficacy validations of the the...

3rd anniversary of In2Care

This 11th of March, In2Care has celebrated her third anniversary. After three years we can look back at major accomplishments, including the launch of the In2Care Mosquito Trap, an UBS Innovation grant and being the coordinator of an EU-FP7 project (2012-2015). Since...
14-10-2013 In2Care will be present at PestWorld 2013

14-10-2013 In2Care will be present at PestWorld 2013

From the 22nd to the 25th of October In2Care will be present at PestWorld 2013 in Phoenix, Arizona. Together with Professional Pest Control, we will present the In2Care Mosquito trap at the Univar booth. Janneke Snetselaar will be present to answer in depth questions...