In2Care Eave Tubes have been scientifically validated in Tanzania, Kenya and Ivory Coast with support from the EU, HDIF and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Several entomological studies demonstrated the impact on malaria vectors:

  • Deltamethrin-treated static EaveTube netting killed 10 x more resistant anophelines than Permanet 2.0.1
  • In2Care® EaveTubes at roof level attracted 40 – 92% of Anopheles mosquitoes per night.2,3
  • Deltamethrin-treated In2Care® EaveTubes killed 50 – 70% of anophelines overnight.2,3
  • EaveTubes attracted 90% more mosquitoes than open windows and reduced indoor densities with 60%.4
  • Insecticide-treated EaveTubes cumulatively killed 87% of house-entering anophelines within 4 nights.5
  • In2Care® EaveTubes also attracted and killed house-exiting mosquitoes, causing 6-times higher mortality.4
  • Beta-cyfluthrin-treated EaveTube netting killed >80% of highly resistant mosquitoes for >8 months.6
  • On top of bednets, EaveTubes reduce malaria on average with 38% and up to 47% in villages where 70% of the houses were treated with EaveTubes and window screening. 7
  1. Andriessen et al. PNAS. 2015, 112 (39): 12081-86
  2. Sternberg E.D. et al. Malaria Journal. 2016, 15: 447
  3. Snetselaar J. et al. Malaria Journal. 2017, 16: 276
  4. Barreaux A. et al. Malaria Journal. 2018, 17: 306
  5. Oumbouke A. et al. Malaria Journal. 2018, 17: 374
  6. Smith R.A. et al. Journal of Health Communication. 2018, 23: 264-271
  7. Barreaux A. et al. Malaria Journal. 2019, 18: 298
  8. Smith R.A. et al. Journal of Health Communication. 2020, 25: 444-453
  9. Sternberg E.D. et al. The Lancet. 2021, 397: 805-15

In 2014, we installed In2Care EaveTubes in 1800 houses in Mngeta village in the Kilomero vally in Tanzania. This was part of ou EU FP7 MCD Project and showed that Eave Tubes can be successfully implemented in remote rural areas. 92% of participants reported to be satisfied with the product and perceived a reduction in mosquito nuisance.

In collaboration with the Human Development Innovation Fund (HDIF) Tanzania and our local research partner the Ifakara Health Institute,, 1,500 houses in the Dar es Salaam and Morogoro regions received In2Care Eave Tubes in 2016. See video below.
