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Easy, Effective and Green control

Mosquitoes spread larvicide and kill their larvae and larvae from other mosquitoes

No electricity or spraying equipment needed

Used by over 3,000 PMPs in the US and sold in more than 45 countries

“We have weighed all pros and cons of various mosquito control options in terms of cost, effectiveness and environment. In2Care came out as best and with guaranteed results. In2Care is a pet-friendly canister that combines research and design to combat the insecticide-resistant Aedes mosquitoes.”
Emerald Lawns, Texas

“At One Two Tree, the family’s safety is top priority. That’s why we’re using In2Care to combat disease-carrying mosquitoes from attacking you, your family and your guests. In2Care is a fantastic, green product, that works in all yards.”
OneTwoTree Inc., Florida
