We care

All over the world humanity is affected by diseases that are transmitted by mosquitoes such as malaria, Dengue, yellow fever, Chikungunya and West-Nile virus. These diseases are a large and expanding problem for human health due to drug resistance, insecticide resistance and an overall lack of adequate vaccines and medication.

We aim to develop and market high-quality insect control products that provide a durable and environmentally friendly solution to mosquito-borne diseases. In particular we aim to provide practical and low-cost tools that can have a real impact in resource-poor areas, where these diseases are endemic and solutions are needed the most. In2Care already partners with institutions in malaria-endemic countries to validate and distribute its vector control innovations locally.

Our goal is to share our knowledge to the public to help raise awareness, and with our products we hope to contribute to the global fight against insect-borne diseases.


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